
What Type of Sump Pump is the Most Durable?

Top Answer: Submersible sump pump (50% of 58 votes).
What Type of Sump Pump is the Most Durable?
Pedestal sump pump
Submersible sump pump
There is no difference
Not sure

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Updated on January 20, 2023


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: It would depend on the owner of the sump pump, to be honest. If this was a basement that was constantly at risk of floods the submersible sump pump would most likely be well worth its while. Otherwise, a pedestal pump is best and will stand the test of time, just not as powerful. Regardless, a well maintained sump pump will outlast neglected ones. So as long you remember to maintain the upkeep, you will be fine either or. Please refer to a professional. I'm always happy to help.
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: I prefer using submersible, also raise them off bottom so no debris gets trapped below and clogs them
Diamond Contractors
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: One goes in water other sets over
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Pedestal sump. Its cast iron and very tough
A&A Solutions LLC
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Pedestal sump pump will last longer it goes through less wear and tear
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible sump pump is a great choice for high water flow and heavy-duty use.
TillUp, LLC
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible sump pumps have self cooling motors (uses water as a coolant for the motor) so the pump will last much longer. In addition to the cooling properties the pumps impeller is always under water which creates a self priming situation, which means the pump will never go dry or need priming. Its also much quieter since the water insulates the sound. All together a submersible pump is a much better choice.
Inviso Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We dont deal with alot of sump pumps in Hawaii.
Visionary General Contracting, LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I'm not sure
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: Just go with a dependable brand with a good warranty.
Plumbing Professionals
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: Varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can't make a broad statement that a different design is more durable than the other.
Fresh Maintenance
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Not susceptible to water damage to the motor. The pedastal on average last 2 to 3 times longer than the submersible one
Extreme Extraction and Decontamination llc
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: both are made to stand a lot of use and abuse.
First American Cleaning & Restoration
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible are typically commercial grade and made with cast iron shell to last longer than most traditional plastic base pedestal pumps.
permanently closed
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: These pumps have more power typically, and they are created with metal construction instead of plastic. They are designed to last while submerged in water.
Company name here
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: I believe a sump is most important when there is a lower level or basement. If it is submerged into a pit and tied to drain tiles. I believe it is most effective in keeping water from your home and causing water damage. 98% of all water damages cause mold.
Mold Masters, Inc.
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: personal experience
La Rose Home Repair
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: Buying a more durable pump of better quality is the only way to ensure that you get a more durable pump.
AdvantaClean of Frederick
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: This is the preferred pump in our area
First General Services
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Because it pumps from underneath the water and stays cool form the water. It wont over heat like a pedestal pump would.
All City Construction
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Most durable
Lobocos Handyman Service