
Do All Sump Pumps Have a Battery Backup?

Top Answer: No, not all sump pumps have a battery back-up (90% of 10 votes).
Do All Sump Pumps Have a Battery Backup?
No, not all sump pumps have a battery back-up
Not sure

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Updated on January 20, 2023


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: No, not all sump pumps have a battery back-up
Explanation: Depends on what you purchase
SK Service CO - Plumbing Service
Answer: No, not all sump pumps have a battery back-up
Explanation: No not all have battery back ups. These are separate stand alone sump pumps in themselves.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: No, not all sump pumps have a battery back-up
Explanation: I haven't seen any that does
JD all service plumbing