
What Type of Sump Pump is the Most Durable?

Top Answer: Submersible sump pump (50% of 57 votes).
What Type of Sump Pump is the Most Durable?
Pedestal sump pump
Submersible sump pump
There is no difference
Not sure

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Updated on January 20, 2023


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: I prefer using submersible, also raise them off bottom so no debris gets trapped below and clogs them
Diamond Contractors
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: One goes in water other sets over
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We do not offer this service
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Pedestal sump pump will last longer it goes through less wear and tear
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible sump pump is a great choice for high water flow and heavy-duty use.
TillUp, LLC
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Sub pumps that are submerged tend to last longer.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We dont deal with alot of sump pumps in Hawaii.
Visionary General Contracting, LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I'm not sure
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: The best brands and durable sump pumps are submersible. They are meant to be installed as a home is being built and meant to be submerged under water.
Massimo Plumbing Services
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: Varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can't make a broad statement that a different design is more durable than the other.
Fresh Maintenance
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Not susceptible to water damage to the motor. The pedastal on average last 2 to 3 times longer than the submersible one
Extreme Extraction and Decontamination llc
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: The submersible sump is more durable due to its better build. Most are built for tougher jobs than removing basic ground water. Submersible pumps are larger and discharge anywhere from 3 to 5 times more than what a pedestal pumps discharge. Always buy a brand name sump pump when replacing your old one.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible are typically commercial grade and made with cast iron shell to last longer than most traditional plastic base pedestal pumps.
permanently closed
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: These pumps have more power typically, and they are created with metal construction instead of plastic. They are designed to last while submerged in water.
Company name here
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Most simple type, so less likely to malfunction.
Dry Master Restoration, Inc.
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: personal experience
La Rose Home Repair
Answer: There is no difference
Explanation: Buying a more durable pump of better quality is the only way to ensure that you get a more durable pump.
AdvantaClean of Frederick
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: It doesn't matter if it wet or under water
JD all service plumbing
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Because it pumps from underneath the water and stays cool form the water. It wont over heat like a pedestal pump would.
All City Construction
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Most durable
Lobocos Handyman Service
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: In my experience, I mainly have dealt with submersible pumps. In my opinion they are built better to withstand water and are self priming when activated due to the water being able to cool the motor as it runs.
TruIntegrity LLC